
“I always knew there was a God and He proved himself to me by filling me with His Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Instantly, I knew the Bible was true and that I can trust His word. I received peace, comfort and healing in my life that this world could never offer. The word of God opened up to me and I was able to understand His word and obtain wisdom to live a life in Christ. I praise the Lord that He proved himself to me over 28 years ago and continues to bless me and guides me.” -Edward

“Growing up, I went to a Catholic church, but never really practiced it. Praying when I remembered and going to church 4 times a year didn’t benefit me at all. I was witnessed to in October 2021 and went to a meeting shortly after. The meeting did shock me so I stopped going, but about a month later I realized that the fellowship was preaching God’s word and not just their opinion as other churches do. I started praying for the holy spirit and going to the meetings. My frustration in not receiving lead me to doubting God at times. I decided to go to camp and I was very determined to receive at that point. I kept getting frustrated that I wasn’t receiving but I did know that it was all in God’s timing. I received the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues on a Sunday morning at camp. The joy and peace that I have now is something I wish everyone could experience!” -Danielle

“I first heard the gospel in late 1989 while serving in the U.S. military, a time in my life when I had seen and done all that to me was worth seeing and doing. I was empty and looking for answers. The Lord was gracious and sent someone to answer all of my questions straight from the bible. I had asked the same questions before to a catholic priest, but he only offered his opinions and some philosophical advice. So after I saw in the bible the answer to my questions I was ready to listen. That evening I was baptized by full immersion, and a month later I was filled with God’s Holy Spirit. I knew that’s what happened to me because it was the same experience that the Apostles had and Jesus had said would happen to every believer, that is, those who would obey his command to be born again. I have experienced the power of God through miraculous healing, provision, answered prayers for all sorts of situations. I am looking to his soon return.” ~Jose

“At an early age I new I must be born again of Water and the Spirit. After receiving Gods promises I turned my back on Him and followed the things of the world. There was no joy or peace in my life without God. 10 years ago I asked for Gods forgiveness and immediately my life changed. Having a relationship with God through his word, prayer, and fellowship with the Saints restored the joy in my life.” ~ Axel

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